IBM dashDB Local is a next-generation data warehousing and analytics technology for use in private clouds, virtual private clouds and other container-supported infrastructures. It is ideal when you must maintain control over data and applications, yet want cloud-like simplicity.
dashDB Local is part of a family that shares a common SQL engine and other database technologies across different deployments so you can place the right workload on the right platform—and move between them without application change.
It includes in-memory processing for delivering insanely fast answers to queries, as well as MPP for scale out and scale up capabilities as data grows. It also provides scale-in capabilities to free resources after peak workloads complete.
[root@node01 04admin]# ./admin02
Start dashDB services from the head node
The command to run : docker exec -it dashDB start
Starting services. This might take a while ...
Validating nodes file /mnt/bludata0/nodes ...
Check cluster connectivity
Checking status of node node01
Checking status of node node02
Checking status of node node03
Checking status of node node04
* Network check: PASS
Performing cross-node communtication test
The dashDB configuration: MPP
Running communication test on node: node01
Running database port check ...
* port(s) 50000-50001,60000-60024: OPEN
Running Spark port check ...
* port(s) 25000-25005: OPEN
Running SSH port check ...
nping_event_handler(): READ-PCAP killed: Resource temporarily unavailable
* port(s) 50022: OPEN
Running communication test on node: node02
Running database port check ...
* port(s) 50000-50001,60000-60024: OPEN
Running Spark port check ...
* port(s) 25000-25005: OPEN
Running SSH port check ...
* port(s) 50022: OPEN
Running communication test on node: node03
Running database port check ...
* port(s) 50000-50001,60000-60024: OPEN
Running Spark port check ...
* port(s) 25000-25005: OPEN
Running SSH port check ...
nping_event_handler(): READ-PCAP killed: Resource temporarily unavailable
* port(s) 50022: OPEN
Running communication test on node: node04
Running database port check ...
* port(s) 50000-50001,60000-60024: OPEN
Running Spark port check ...
* port(s) 25000-25005: OPEN
Running SSH port check ...
* port(s) 50022: OPEN
Check status of clustered filesystem
Checking status of the clustered filesystem on node node01
Checking status of the clustered filesystem on node node02
Checking status of the clustered filesystem on node node03
Checking status of the clustered filesystem on node node04
* Clusterfs check: PASSED
Starting services on node node02
Starting services on node node03
Starting services on node node04
Current total memory: 6692 MB
Previous total memory: 6692 MB
Current number of maximum database partitions per node : 1
Previous number of maximum database partitions per node: 1
Current spark share : 10% of total memory.
Previous spark share: 10% of total memory.
Total memory, maximum database partitions per node and spark share are unchanged.
Run hardware inventory collection
| | # of nodes | # of CPU cores | Memory (MB) |
| Current | 4 | 8 | 26768 |
| Max this month | 4 | 8 | 26768 |
| Max last month | 4 | 8 | 26768 |
| Max all time | 4 | 8 | 26768 |
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart slapd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status slapd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart rsyslog.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart named.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart sssd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart saslauthd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart sshd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart sendmail.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status rsyslog.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status named.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status sssd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status saslauthd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status sshd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status sendmail.service
[18:07:10] INFO: Starting dashDB instance
dsserver_home: /opt/ibm/dsserver
port: 9300
https.port: 8443
status.port: 9302
dsserver_home: /opt/ibm/dsserver
port: 9300
https.port: 8443
status.port: 9302
Log: /opt/ibm/dsserver/logs/dsserver.0.log
Running dashDB Health check ...
##### --- dashDB stack service status summary --- #####
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status slapd.service
dashDBtablesOnline : SUCCESS
WebConsole : SUCCESS
dashDBconnectivity : SUCCESS
dashDBrunning : SUCCESS
##### --- dashDB high availability status --- #####
Configuring dashDB high availability ...
Stopping the system
Stopping datanode node02
Stopping datanode node03
Stopping datanode node04
Stopping headnode node01
Running sm on head node node01 ..
Running sm on data node node02 ..
Running sm on data node node03 ..
Running sm on data node node04 ..
Attempting to activate previously failed nodes, if any ...
SM is RUNNING on headnode node01 (ACTIVE)
SM is RUNNING on datanode node02 (ACTIVE)
SM is RUNNING on datanode node03 (ACTIVE)
SM is RUNNING on datanode node04 (ACTIVE)
Overall status : RUNNING
**** Successfully started dashDB ****
* Next steps:
* 1. Please use Ctrl+c key-sequence to detach from the Docker logs console.
* 2. Log in to the web console using the following information:
* 3. If you've forgotten the bluadmin password, reset it
* by running "docker exec -it dashDB setpass <new password>". Other user management
* should be done via the web console.
Recent Comments
Dr. Peter Zhao Xiao
Dr. Peter Zhao Xiao
Dr. Peter Zhao Xiao
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